I had the pleasure of being an unwilling wrestling partner on the couch as two boys fought over who came out of my belly first and who was the fastest at "shooting" out of my belly. Ah yes, it's Mother's Day, little boy style.
This Mother's Day wasn't a fancy affair, but sweet none the less.
The boys stopped competing for birth order just long enough to give me some wonderful hand made gifts, a frame, a flower with a sweet boy face on it, and a flower pencil holder. All beautiful, all made just right, with sweet little boy hands.

Hubby Bee made and gave the beginnings of a beautiful hydrangea topiary tree for the back porch. He got the idea from the Lowes Creative Ideas Magazine.
We decided we dare not go out to eat for fear that our 2-year-old erupting volcano just might not make it through a Mother's Day restaurant wait. So after church we found ourselves at home with boys who were a wee bit grumpy, but trying to put a good Mother's Day face on. It is a mostly sticky face with a bit of smirk on the side. I am thankful for it all.
The day ended with the hubby taking the bigger boys on a hike and Little Bee and Mommy taking a nice afternoon nap. Awww, the best gift ever. My little man and I then got up and spent some quality one on one time together, which is quite the rarity.
This week I have been reminded in the most unlikely places that my days as the mommy of little boys are fleeting. Soon they will be big boys and as one grandmother told me this week, one day I will look back in my rear view mirror and see empty seats. O.K., that is sad.
A devotion sent from a friend this week talked about how the days with young children are long, but the years are short. When the days are filled with mess cleanups, tantrums, and laundry, laundry, laundry, it is hard to see the finish line. But I do see it is such a blessing to have these tasks at hand and soon, before I know it, this season will be over.
It has reminded me of the lyrics to a certain song called "You're Gonna Miss This" by Trace Adkins:
You're going to miss this
You're going to want this back
You're going to wish these days
Hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're going to miss this
Right now, I can not tell you I feel like I'm going to miss the fact that a dirty diaper is waiting for me or that I am breaking up another little boy battle, but I am thankful because I know this is just a blip.
It is wonderful, no matter how messy it gets and though the days are long, I believe I already miss it.
Glad you had a great day! The moments are so fleeting...
The time does go by so fast...enjoy those special moments...and one day when they are men they will show up at Church on Mother's Day to surprise you...and it will be the best gift EVER! Time...with them!
What a sweet reminder to cherish our time now... no matter how messy it is! ;) Thank you! ♥ Michelle
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