There is no little boy love on an out of town work trip. Well there is Skype and phone call love, but not the real physical hugs.
No one to give me sweet sticky kisses and provide little paw prints of banana goo on my shirt.
It is day three and I'm missing..
the banana goo.
We are shooting a couple of television features in the mountains of Western North Carolina. The first is a profile on a hardwood flooring company in Franklin, NC and the second about the Highlands Biological Station. Both very different stories, but interesting in different ways.
This afternoon we needed some mountain shots. My videographer and I hiked up to Sunset Rock.
The views are amazing from this spot in Highlands, NC.
So thankful to Hubby Bee for holding down the hive while I am off being a Mommy Worker Bee. What makes it really sweet is my mother and father-in-law came this week to help batten down the hive hatches. This dynamic duo helped alleviate some of the stress of being a single daddy for a spell.
I even hear the boys made out with some Silly Bandz from the grandparents. They are pumped. A visit from the grandparents is a little like mini Christmas. The boys love the time and the attention they get from them. The guys enjoy seeing them and showing off what they can do in their world.
The time with their grandparents is something the boys treasure, maybe even more than Silly Bandz.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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