It's not the real Olympics, but you will find a bit of mental gymnastics or "mathnastics" practice taking place at our house.
The Smart Kids Smart Parents founder pointed me to this excellent online World Maths Day Competition website. Over one million children from all over the world compete against one another in a math fact showdown of epic proportions. They can compete as an individual student or with their school.
We are only two days away from the March 3rd start of the 48 hour problem solving challenge. If your child is interested in math, this site will make your little mathlete very happy.
After registering....
and securing a log in and password, Big Bee started by creating his very own avatar complete with red hair, soccer outfit, and head band. Very cool!
The World Maths Day web site is really well done with colorful graphics and easy to use intuitive controls. Big Bee started out with practice rounds and the site locates other children worldwide to go head to head with their math knowledge.
So last night while children in Australia and other countries logged in to begin their school days, Big Bee played a few rounds before bedtime. He did very well, but commented that the students from Hong Kong rocked in the math speed category.
What a great way to learn about the world. World Maths Day also has a free iTouch app if you want to take your math on the go. We will let you know how the competition ends or please join us online to play. Happy calculating!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
Have you heard of the Maths Olympiad? It's for older children (16-ish) but it's a great international competition, with chances to travel to represent your country if you come in the top five or so students. (Sorry I sound a bit vague, it's been a few years since I was involved!)
Dropping in from SITS to welcome you on board :)
What a talented crew! Welcome to SITS ;)
I love your blog! I'm following you now on Twitter, too.
Welcome to the SITS Community. We are excited to have you!
Wow, what an amazing program! I have never had an affinity or talent for math, but I hope to cultivate in my daughter a fondness for it. Thank you for sharing!
I stopped by from The Secret is in The Sauce to welcome you to the SITSahood!
Sounds like fun! Being smart is cool!
WELCOME to SITS! It's great to have a new SITSer. Bonus, I'm hosting a giveaway for NEW sunglasses. Like most yours are lost or bent...come on over.
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