We enjoyed our mini-snow storm during the day with sledding, snowman construction, and hot chocolate all around, Silly Cow Farms Hot Chocolate to be exact. Yum.
We made a dance routine of putting on the DRY long johns, snowsuits, gloves, hat, boots, then take off the WET long johns, snowsuits, gloves, hat, boots...cha, cha, cha...
A wise Mommy friend tells me....
I can burn at least 200 calories with each one of these dress rehearsals.

So last night, the night before rain was to come and melt our snow, we decided to turn our backyard into a night time ski resort.
With the flood lights turned on and if you squint just enough you can pretend you are vacationing at your favorite ski resort. Aspen, Vail, Whistler...well not really, but the boys sure had fun on our little hill.

Snow was a treat, something that might make a winter appearance, or might not. In my mind snow days are the days I never wanted to end. They were blissful.
My own busy bees have made deposits in their snow memory banks this week. They have declared the past few days the best of days.
When they grow up I hope they too will remember the bliss and abandon of a snowy winter wonderland.
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