I remember the moment I saw the girl. She had that look in her eye, the look probably fueled by some "liquid courage"...
a look that said she was going to storm our stage, no matter what. She wanted her 2000 to be fully documented in the history books as the woman who took over the airwaves. Well, everybody has their dreams.
But what she hadn't counted on was M.L. Our producer extraordinaire..who would not let the perfect perimeter of production she had built be violated. I remember one minute talking about possible Y2K complications and then the next seeing our Liquid Courage Lady make a run for the stage. Quick as lighting M.L. halted the would be show stopper with what would be considered a stellar defensive move by any football coach. The young lady ended up not on camera, but on the ground, not hurt, but laughing. (Me thinks the liquid courage again) We continued our broadcast, the ball dropped, and we went after for spinach dip and chips knowing we would all be doing Y2K stories the next day of all the computer glitches and crashes. (Tee, hee)
Flash forward to New Years Eve 2009...
Our only crowds are of the pint sized variety and they are fueled by pure energy and testosterone. We are having a yummy dinner of veggie sushi compliments of my hubby, my own Bungalow Chef who made it through Y2K safe and sound.

I think my three little guys are just now recovering from being plum Christmas tired. The kind of tired that comes from elevated levels of adrenalin over the excitement of presents, staying up late to catch Santa in the act, and match upon match of wrestle mania in our living room and sometimes in the car on our journey over the mountains. Ah yes, fa, la, la..yawn... ...zzzzzz...
We are thankful for our health and the continued health of our loved ones. We are missing two of our most cherished loved ones this year - my Mom, Nana, and hubby's Grandmother, Cece, a dear sweet woman, who passed on the Fourth of July. Their absence is felt in our hearts this year, as I am sure it will be every year.
The birth of our newest family member, my nephew little O, has reminded us of the miracle of Christmas and the joy that lives in our hearts. May your new year be blessed.
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