My boys love the outdoors and what boy doesn't love fire? This weekend we worked hard in the yard clearing brush and trees.
The benefactors of all the labor turned out to be three little boys who enjoyed roasting dinner in the embers of our labor.
A backyard campfire is an easy thing to do and can help kids reconnect to nature while enjoying some campsite cooking and fun.
If you don't have room for a campfire, a portable fire pit will work as well. This is an activity that requires strict supervision and lots of ground rules, but the set up and safety preparation are worth it when you see smiles and kiddo satisfaction of making their own dinners.
Dinner preparation is easy with what we call the Hobo Dinner.
This link will show you how easy it is to prepare the dinner in foil and the kids love to custom make their own dinner in the foil pockets. Just make sure you have heavy duty foil available or double wrap the foil packet.
Our favorite thing to do is write our initials on the packet in mustard. It is the little things you know..
For more great outdoor play ideas visit our friends over at the Active Kid's Club. It is a wonderful site full of inspiring and engaging activities for little and big kids to have more fun in nature.
See you outside,
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago