As we wind down our Thanksgiving celebrations, one can't help but feel extremely blessed for family and friends. We trekked to Tennessee for Thanksgiving this year and when I say trekked, I mean it.
When you have three boys, a large dog, and two adults in a Ford Explorer, you kind of feel a little on safari, wild animal noises and all....
We were blessed to see both sides of grandparents and to see high school and college friends this time around. What a wonderful time of laughter, story telling, and sweet comfort that comes with common ground.
It doesn't matter how much time has passed, true friendships always pick up right where they left off.
We missed some of our family who could not be with us this Thanksgiving. Some who live far away and those who have left us for another place.
The memories of loved ones lost always seem to be freshest at the holidays, no matter how long since the passing. Their presence is felt in little things like a photo or a favorite tradition.
As I put away my scarecrows and harvest decorations this morning with help from my littlest blessings, I could not help but wonder how they will count their "thankfuls" when they get older. As my five year old stated, "I have many "thankfuls" mommy, and I have to count them all this week."
I count my "thankfuls" abundantly.
No matter what is going on in the world or how hectic daily life may be, what is most important is not just in front, but beside and behind, nudging us to make the most of opportunities to revel in abundance, be blessed, and count those "thankfuls".
No worries if the trek to get there is a little bumpy, noisy. and tinged with a faint smell of dog breath. I count myself thankful and hold on for the safari ride.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago